Antarctic Krill Oil Manufacturer

  • Market Growth
    In 2023, the krill oil market was valued at over $997 million and is anticipated to rise at a compound annual growth rate of 10.5% year-over-year until 2033.
  • Health Appeal
    Antarctic krill oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which support cardiovascular and cognitive health.
  • Consumer Interest
    Increased demand for krill oil supplements is driven by their higher bioavailability and antioxidant content compared to traditional fish oil.
We Are The Premier Private Label Antarctic Krill Oil Manufacturer Located In South Florida. We Can Help Supply You With Some Of The Highest Quality Supplements To Offer Your Customers.
  • 🇺🇸 US Private Label Company
  • 🔍 FDA Inspected Facility
  • 📊 Low MOQ
    (Min. Order Quantity)
  • ✅ GMP Certified
  • 🛒 FBA & Marketplace Friendly

Table Of Contents

Thinking About Selling  Private Label Antarctic Krill Oil Supplements?

When it’s time to introduce a new supplement product to your brand line up, experienced sellers understand the importance of doing proper market research before making the financial investment. Many dread choosing the “wrong product” to move forward with, making this part of the qualification process key to your continued success.

A Couple Of Factors To Consider

When considering your next product, the first key point to remember is that different supplements represent different potential opportunities.

For example, some nutritional supplements might have limited competition. Establishing your brand presence and gaining sales momentum may be easier in the beginning, but the potential sales upside may be limited as a result.

On the other hand, another supplement option may be massively popular worldwide, and the progress may be gradual, but the sales upside would be higher. Depending on your product launch strategy and chosen marketplace, these supplement options may be well worth the extra time and effort.

A third product opportunity may be what is considered an “industry staple” – they have displayed tried and true market resiliency over the years, making them a less volatile and more stable type of product to choose. Though it may not serve as the centerpiece of your product lineup, it could potentially be the perfect complementary option.

Another key factor to consider is which direction the product’s popularity seems to be trending in – does your research indicate an upward or downward trend?

Doing proper research is a vital step, but it is often overlooked by first-time private label business owners. Your brand could have a great message, ethically-sourced raw materials, and effective supplements, but without the demand, it doesn’t stand much of a chance at gaining traction. No matter how good the marketing may be, if consumers don’t see a need for it, they won’t buy it. And convincing a consumer that they need a product is a lot harder than simply already giving them what they already want.

Next, let’s examine the benefits and the business behind selling Antarctic Krill Oil supplements so that you’re able to make an educated decision on whether they will work well with your brand’s product lineup.

A Closer Look At Private Label Antarctic Krill Oil Market Indicators…

As mentioned, each supplement has its own market advantages, so below we’ll discuss prominent market indicators in more detail to determine the opportunity that Antarctic Krill Oil supplements can provide your brand.

Search Engine Popularity

Between 2004 and 2009, search engine queries for “Antarctic Krill Oil” and “Krill Oil” saw a steady increase in popularity. One possible explanation for this positive trajectory is the market increase in omega-3 acid-containing supplements during this time, mainly due to heightened media focus on their potential cancer-preventing properties. Market research found that even when other supplements remained stable or decreased during this period, there was an increase in the use of krill oils at the same time.

*To be clear, this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

After this increase in popularity, monthly searches for krill oil remained consistent until the later part of 2019. Since December 2019, there has been a steady and ongoing rise in search engine popularity. In fact, between this time and August 2020, popularity for krill oil increased by 33%, averaging over 68,000 searches per month.

Why Do Consumers Buy Private Label Antarctic Krill Oil?

Like other natural health supplements, Private Label Antarctic Krill Oil is utilized by consumers for a variety of purposes. Some consumers buy this product due to its possible mood-boosting properties, while others consume it for its rumored ability to reduce the severity of PMS and menstrual-related pain. Recent research has also linked krill oil to cardiovascular benefits due to the EPA and DHA found in the supplement.

Another reason why consumers buy krill oil supplements is that unlike fish-oil, Antarctic Krill Oil contains a unique type of omega-3, offering that is known as the phospholipid advantage. Phospholipids are different from omega-3 triglycerides in a structural essence. This difference allows phospholipids to be absorbed by the body quicker, whereas other omega-3s must first be delivered to the liver and processed before they are absorbed. This difference is another reason as to why people buy krill oil over other omega-3 supplements.

Nutraceutical vs. Pharmaceutical
When looking to determine effectiveness, keep in mind that dietary supplements are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Though nutraceuticals are routinely used to support certain health benefits, they are different from pharmaceuticals. Nutraceuticals are natural and work with the body’s chemistry to produce certain desired effects over time. Pharmaceuticals, on the other hand, are synthetically created to hack your body’s chemistry for a more immediate and dramatic effect. Understanding the difference between the two is key.
Key Factors Affecting Private Label Antarctic Krill Oil Potency

Krill oil is derived from a tiny shrimp-like animal that is primarily consumed in nature by sea lions, whales, penguins, seabirds, squids, other fish species, and sharks.

The potency of Antarctic Krill Oil supplements is highly dependent on the concentration of the carotenoid, astaxanthin, which gives krill it’s rich deep red coloring. This compound is a powerful antioxidant with the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, something that fish oil has not been found to do.

Astaxanthin has also been shown to provide krill oil with its cardiovascular support as the compound protects low-density lipoproteins and lipids from oxidation which in turn increases HDL cholesterol levels.

Are Private Label Antarctic Krill Oil Supplements Right For Your Brand?

Private Label Express offers a wide selection of market-tested and proven stock solutions for you to choose from allowing you to find the perfect product to suit your brand and set you apart from the competition. Your purchase includes complimentary label design, label printing, and label application in your name, ensuring the product is fully branded and ready to go when you receive it.

We offer many other private label supplements besides antarctic krill oil, contact one of our experienced team members today for an in-depth, customized consultation.

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When it comes to competing with brands around the world, we understand what it takes to help power you to the next level of your success. Give your brand a competitive edge and make our team a part of yours.

World-class production capacity, industry-leading turnaround times, high-demand products, and unparalleled support. Power YOUR Brand with Private Label Express.