Berberine Manufacturer

  • Market Growth
    The berberine supplement market is projected to grow from $852.3 million in 2023 to $1,845.4 million by 2032, with an expected CAGR of 8.9%.
  • Health Appeal
    Berberine is known for its benefits in supporting metabolic health and overall wellness, which drives its popularity as a natural supplement.
  • Consumer Interest
    There is increasing consumer demand for berberine supplements, especially in North America and Europe, due to a growing interest in natural health products and wellness trends.
We Are The Premier Private Label Berberine Manufacturer Located In South Florida. We Can Help Supply You With Some Of The Highest Quality Supplements To Offer Your Customers.

Table Of Contents

Thinking About Selling Private Label Berberine Supplements?

In today’s rapidly evolving health and wellness market, the competition among private label dietary supplement brands is intense. Berberine, though, has emerged as a powerful option when you need a product that has such strong support by health & wellness professionals due to its track record of effectiveness within clinical studies. It’s a great multi-functional product to offer as part of your private label product line up.

What makes berberine an attractive addition to your product selection and how can it contribute to your business’ growth and sustainability?

Why Do Consumers Buy Private Label Berberine?

People who buy private label berberine supplements will be seeking them out for a few different possible reasons since it has a few different associated benefits that have been tested throughout numerous clinical studies over the years.

Many of the benefits are interconnected and can include supporting a healthier blood sugar balance which can also have a positive effect on supporting a healthy bodyweight – a highly sought after & marketable function.

An NCBI study (PMCID: PMC6111450) suggests that berberine can lower “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and raise “good” cholesterol (HDL) which can help support cardiovascular health. What consumer wouldn’t desire a product that supports the heart?

A Closer Look At Private Label Berberine Market Indicators…

A closer examination of market indicators is key to understanding what you and your brand can expect going forward. Having a better grasp of the market landscape will help you feel more secure and confident about your decision to move forward with Private Label berberine as a product choice.

Follow along as we dive into two critical aspects that could, and should, shape your strategic approach: search engine insights and ecommerce marketplace sales performance…

Berberine Search Engine Insights

In June 2023, “Berberine” as a search term skyrocketed to its highest levels ever – eclipsing the previous high by almost 300% because of national exposure by a few influential national media outlets.

The New York Times published an article on June 7, 2023, discussing berberine and its potential benefits for weight loss. The article is part of their Well newsletter, which focuses on essential news and guidance for health and wellness.

NBC News also released an article on June 15, 2023, titled “What is berberine, the supplement dubbed ‘nature’s Ozempic’?” The article discusses the rising popularity of berberine for its weight loss effects and its potential to improve blood sugar levels. It’s also key to note that it highlights that while berberine is less expensive and widely available, its effectiveness and safety for weight loss have not been verified by large, peer-reviewed studies.

These national news stories has positioned berberine front-and-center in the minds of the general populace, leading to a surge of interest in the potential benefits of berberine supplementation.

Sales Performance: Berberine

The global market for berberine was estimated to be about $885 million in 2022 according to Persistence Market Research.

From 2023 onward to 2033, the market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8% in reaching a valuation of $2.1 billion. When looking to roll out a new product, it is always important to target a product market where experts are projecting growth…

Sales performance for US Amazon sellers reveal that it is possible for a single brand to move 10,000+ units of berberine in a single month. Dozens of others are demonstrating sales of multiple thousands of units per month as well – this is a great sign for those looking to launch their berberine product on Amazon.

Do Berberine Supplements REALLY work?

Berberine has been extensively studied and, as we mentioned earlier, it has even been compared to pharmaceutical products for its effectiveness in a very important function of good health – that is something powerful that most dietary supplements can’t say…

In order to make sure your product is doing what it is intended to do is to by making sure that your supplement facts panel is both accurate and true. Having supplied some of the top brands on Amazon reliably for over a decade, reputable berberine manufacturers like Private Label Express go a long way in making sure your product label is accurate and marketplace compliant.

As one of the top revenue generating dietary supplement segments in the U.S., berberine really works to round out your dietary supplement line up with its’ media popularity and strong clinical study results.

A Quick Note About Dietary Supplements…

When discussing how effective any dietary supplement will be, it’s important understand that dietary supplements are intended to “supplement” your existing diet. If you practice habitually unhealthy eating habits and/or live an unhealthy lifestyle – you can’t expect any supplement to move the needle regarding your health and wellness.

Secondly, all over-the-counter (OTC) dietary supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Understanding this will help temper you and your customer’s expectations when taking vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements.

Key Factors Affecting Private Label Berberine Potency

The extraction method used to collect the berberine raw materials from its natural sources can significantly impact its potency. Solvent-based extraction methods may yield a more potent form compared to water-based methods.

Purity level is another big factor in determining how potent your private label berberine supplement will be – a higher percentage of purity will generally yield a more potent product but it will also escalate the cost of the raw materials proportionally. It makes sense to sell a product with a purity percentage that still allows you to price your product competitively.

Piperine can be used as a bioavailability enhancer to help improve absorption but it will adding this will also increase your costs so it’s usually a best practice for most sellers not prepared to invest in a custom formulation to go ahead with a stock formulation that already has a good balance of ingredients, potency, and cost.

Berberine HCL improves upon the stability and bioavailability of regular berberine meaning it can be effective for consumers when taken in smaller doses.

Berberine has a half-life that only lasts a few hours. For this reason, to achieve stable absorption levels, it is recommended to consume between 900 and 1500mg of berberine daily but as always you should consult your personal physician before significantly altering your diet. This is typically broken into 500mg doses, three times daily. For this reason, the most common dosage available on berberine supplements is 500mg.

In Conclusion & Next Steps…

Private Label Express offers a wide selection of stock berberine solutions for you, allowing you to find the perfect product to suit your brand and set you apart from the competition.

Your product purchase includes complementary label design, label printing, and label application, ensuring the product is fully branded and ready to go when you receive it.

If you would like to have a more detailed conversation regarding the specifics of your brand needs, you can chat with us live by clicking the chat bubble below!

Partner With Private Label Express Today!

When it comes to competing with brands around the world, we understand what it takes to help power you to the next level of your success. Give your brand a competitive edge and make our team a part of yours.

World-class production capacity, industry-leading turnaround times, high-demand products, and unparalleled support. Power YOUR Brand with Private Label Express.